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Social Ministry

Jesus called his followers to be the light and salt in the world. We believe that Christian faith should be exercised not only in our personal life, but in our community and earth. Through social actions (including advocacy and community services), KUC brings the love and care of God to God’s creation and marginalized groups in our society. Social ministry in KUC focuses on creation care, LGBTI group, refugees, migrant workers and social justice.


LGBTI Community

KUC is an inclusive church where friends of different sexual orientation and gender identity are all welcome to participate in our church life. We are also one of the members of the "Covenant of the Rainbow - Campaign toward a Truly Inclusive Church", to promote gender inclusion and equality in our society and church. We facilitate different gatherings to promote dialogue and mutual understanding among our community.

Creation Care

KUC is aware of the stewardship entrusted by God to the church, to care for the creation. We believe that living an environmental friendly life is part of our Christian faith and spirituality. We avoid using disposable utensils in our church events, and we utilize our church space to grow organic food and make our own organic detergent. Special services and workshops are held regularly for our congregation to learn more about creation care.

Refugees and Asylum Seekers

The Peacemaking Program, supported and funded by the Nethersole Fund, is designated to serve this community in Hong Kong. Other than providing various kinds of services  to the community, KUC reaches out to the public to raise awareness about refugee issues. You may visit here to learn more about our refugee ministry.

Migrant Workers

Consisting of 5% of the Hong Kong population, migrant workers are one of the vulnerable groups in Hong Kong. KUC partners with different organizations and churches to offer various kinds of services to the community. We share our church space for an emergency shelter, offices, and church gatherings. 

Social Justice

Social justice is the heart of the social ministry. KUC dedicates our Sunday services to different issues, for example, Human Rights Sunday, Labor Sunday, and Women’s Sunday, to remember those who are in need and stand in solidarity with those who suffer. We also issue statements to respond to different social issues.  

Small Grants

Each year the MOE Committee recommends approximately 20 churches and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that it believes should receive a small grant from KUC. The recipients in the past have generally addressed issues in Hong Kong and other parts of Asia and Africa related to women, children, and various marginalized groups. Any organization interested in applying for a small grant or supporting this ministry should contact the church.

Movie Sunday

Started in 2010, originally as Movie Night, the MOE hosts a monthly movie screening in our church which is now scheduled for the fourth Sunday afternoon. Through issue-based movies and a follow-up discussion, it deepens our understanding and concern for different issues. You may check our Facebook group for upcoming screenings.

Exposure Program 

The MOE Committee organizes trips for the congregation members to meet our mission partners as well as other churches and organizations in order to learn more deeply about their work, the people they serve, and the issues they address. In September 2018, we went to the Philippines to visit our partners and others in the Metro Manila area and Southern Luzon.